Hmmm, veo que hace mucho que no escribo, es que últimamente y más que nunca esta casa es un caos.
Primero Eloise que está preñada, ecografía, radiografía, calcio, control de temperatura, preparar las cosas para el parto y esperar sin sacarle los ojos de encima.
Hmmm, I didn´t write for a while. but I was really busy, this house is really a chaos. First, Eloise is pregnant, so between echos and RX, calcium suplements, temp control, getting ready for delivery and of course always watchful.
Lo bueno es que hoy terminó con la última expo del año y es oficialmente Jov. Camp. Arg. Dakota Du Varod!!!!! Super orgullosa the mi princesa!!
Dakota is in heat, opportunity yeah!! And obviously for the two latest shows of this year needing point for her juvenile championship. Aurora made a mess with Dakota´s hair, pulling the packages and biting them like a game, so kiping her out of Daks reach was difficult, and going to the shows with her on season even more difficult. Thanks to the patient handler who groomed her and handle her hormones he could show her and keep the males restrained. Did you know that vainilla escence masks heat odors? I don´t, every day I learn something new.
Good thing is that today was the last show of this year and she is know oficially Juv. Ch. Arg Dakota DU Varod!!!!!! Super proud of my princess!!!
Decidí retirarla de las expos, por más que hacía un papel digno y la gorda no está mal, uno siempre busca algo mejor. Quiero saber que es capaz de transmitir en sus crías, y ver si de ellas obtengo algo mejor que la madre. Además es imposible encarar los tres meses de verano manteniendo su pelo en condiciones con Aurora dando vueltas que aún es una cachorrita juguetona e inquieta de tres meses.
I decided to retire her for showing, although she make a decent role, and my babe is good enough, I´m looking for something even better. I want to know what she can produce, prove her capacity as a dam, and see if she can have a girl better than her. On top is impossible to spend all summer looking for her hair with Aurora messing around, she is still a three month puppy, playful and restless.
La peluquería del Caniche es sofisticada y costosa, demanda esfuerzo y tiempo. Siendo sincera conmigo misma es un imposible hasta que Aurora no crezca un poco y madure. Porque digamos que Daks tampoco colabora, ella es la beba eterna, lista para revolcarse y jugar el día entero. A pesar de que se queda quietita mientras la peino y armo sus paquetes, disfruta de la atención. Mi casa alberga perros de expos pero que también son queridas mascotas, todos los disfrutamos y la única solución sería tenerlas permanentemente separadas, algo que no estoy dispuesta a hacer, por lo menos por ahora.
Poodle grooming is sofisticated and expensive, takes a lot of time and lots of effort. Being sincere wit myself is impossible till Aurora grows and matures. And between us, Daks doesn´t colaborate very much with that, she is the baby forever, ready for play and rumble all thay long. Even she knows to stay still pretty well when I comb her hair and make packages, she enjoys that attention very much. My house is home for exhibition and breeding dogs that also make wonderful pets for us, we love them dearly all of them, and the only solution will be to take them appart each other, and I don´t want that, at less not now.
El año que viene es el turno de Aurora para empezar su carrera de show. Se que se va a lucir, pinta muy bien!! Tampoco podría afrontar dos perros en pista, y la prioridad son los Shetlands, aunque me enamoré de las Caniches, MI raza son los Shetland Sheepdog, sin duda. Con esto no quiero decir que vaya a parar con los caniches, para nada, pero si poner un breve paréntesis.
Next year is Aurora time for starting her show competition. She is going to shine, growing pretty well! I can´t afford two dogs on show at the same time, and my priority are Shetlands, although I love Poodles. MY breed is Shetland Sheepdogs, no doubt about it. I¨m not saying that I´m going to stop with Poodles, not at all, but I´m going to put them between brackets for a little while.
El 2012 está a la vuelta, espero que venga cargado de cosas buenas para mis perros y mi criadero. Paso a paso vamos avanzando. Prefiero ir despacito y sobre seguro. Quizá Aurora brille, quizá Dakota deje una buena impronta en la raza, quizá podamos sumar otro perro, pero por ahora paciencia, todo llega a su tiempo.
2012 is round the block, I hope comes with tons of good things for my dogs and kennel. Step by step we are going further. I like going slowly with steady feet. Maybe Aurora shines, maybe Dakota has a wonderful litter, maybe we can add another dog, for now is just patience, things will arrive on time.
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