Así decía el slogan de la campaña publicitaria de un banco, unos cuantos años atrás. Hoy se me vino la frase a la cabeza mientras ideaba esta nueva entrada. Y si, es bien acertada! Cuando uno escucha las "internas" que suelen existir atrás del nombre de un hijo que llega al mundo apenas tiene la punta del iceberg. Cuando te toca el turno de nombrar a un hijo ves el iceberg claramente. Y cuando llegan las mascotas, Titanic, hundido...Es que en ese momento el juego se abre y el abanico es enorme.
Some years ago that was a bank marketing slogan campaign, today I remembered it while writting this new entry. I think is really accurate! When you heard the fights that exists behind a newborn child name you are just looking at the tip of the iceberg. When you look for your own child name you can see the iceberg really clear. And when pets arrive, Titanic, sunk...At this moment you have a world of possibilities.
Some years ago that was a bank marketing slogan campaign, today I remembered it while writting this new entry. I think is really accurate! When you heard the fights that exists behind a newborn child name you are just looking at the tip of the iceberg. When you look for your own child name you can see the iceberg really clear. And when pets arrive, Titanic, sunk...At this moment you have a world of possibilities.
No solo opina el marido, se suman los hijos; aunque por suerte restamos a los tíos y abuelos porque todo tiene un límite, no? Todo bien que pretendan ser recordados para la posterioridad en sus nietos, o que rueguen que uno bautice a sus hijos con el héroe de la telenovela de turno, pero ya inmiscuirse en el nombre de la mascota sería demasiado.
Not just hubby choices, kids have also a word to say. Luckily enough we can rest uncles, aunts and grandparents, because we have to put a limit, ok? It´s understandable that they want their names in nieces, nephews and grandchildren, or that they beg us to baptise our kids with the hero name of a film, choosing our pet´s name, that´s too much.
Decía que el juego se abre, porque a la lista eterna de nombres existentes en español, se suma la posibilidad de bautizar en otros idiomas, usar adjetivos, nombres ilustres y no tanto, de personajes, y la lista sigue y sigue. Si encima uno es criador, tiene el dilema del nombre de su Kennel, los que están en eso saben que no es tarea menor tener un nombre que nos plazca y no haya sido registrado a nivel mundial. A fin de cuentas es una palabra que va a acompañarnos y a identificar a nuestros perros estén donde estén. Internet es un recurso gigante, como lo es nuestra imaginación. Y así como es una ayuda, es un límite también. Después uno termina con una lista de cien nombres pegada con un imán en la heladera sin saber por donde empezar a tachar!
Options are wide, because you add to your endless list of names in your mother tongue, another language, you can play with adjectives, famous names, character names, mythological ones, space is the limit. If you are a breeder beyond that you need a name for your kennel, that´s a tough job, you need to find not only a name you like, it couldn´t be used by any other kennel worldwide. Afterall is a name that becomes the ID of our dogs wherever they are. Internet is a good resource as our imagination. But is a limit too. You end with a long list stuck in the fridge without knowing where to start crossing out and deleating!
A esa altura muchos dirán ¿Para qué tanto trabajo? Si es el perro!! Ni más ni menos, es El Perro, o El Gato, nuestro y merece un buen nombre. Obviamente que siempre existen los que no le dan mucha bolilla al tema y con un Max cerramos el problema, que para ellos no es tal. Así como existen los incoherentes de siempre que bautizan a un pobre chico Kevin con el apellido Sánchez, o una beba super rubia que se llama Morena, o esta, agarrense bien que es real: José José ¿? Siiii, por el padre y por el abuelooo!! Jajaja!! Pobre chico...pero bueno no nos desviemos y volvamos al nombre para nuestro perro o gato.
At this point many of you will be asking why all that work? Just the dog! Yes, the dog, our dog or our cat and they deserve a good name. Lot of owners didn´t give a second thought and just use the simple Max, not trouble at all. Also there´s always the freak parents that name their child with an english name when the last name is spanish, or a super blond baby with the name Brunette. Most weird thing that I listen? José José, that´s one José for the father and second José for grandfather. Haha! Poor child...anyway lets go back in track.
En esta casa es...como les diría...como una prioridad. Es tan importante como preparar su llegada, la comida, la cucha, el veterinario, etc. Con mucha anticipación también se abre el debate del nombre. Esto es cuando la llegada es planeada, por supuesto. Para los "paracaidistas" siempre hay una lista de nombres en reserva a los que podemos acudir. Lo decidimos rápido, sobre la marcha, pero no por eso dejan de tener el mismo cuidado de los demás nombres.
This family makes a priority in naming. It´s so important us looking for a vet, buying a bed or food, waiting for the pet arrival. With a lot of anticipation debate is started. That´s when arrival is planned. For stray cats or dogs that stay at home, we had a "waiting list of names". We named then faster, but with love and care.
Es difícil explicar el porqué de tanto barullo. Creo que principalmente partimos de una base o idea común en cuanto a la lógica que usamos en casa cuando bautizamos a nuestros hijos. Queríamos que sus nombres fueran especiales, que los distinguieran de los demás. Obviamente que sonaran bien, que nos gustaran, que quedaran bien con el apellido eran para nosotros un dalo por hecho. En donde hacíamos hincapié era en tratar de que el nombre no fuera uno más, sino que fuera algo tan querido y buscado como ellos.
Hard to explain why all that fuzz. I think that main reason is the same that we use when we choose our kids name. We wanted special names, that distinguish them, sound good, that we liked them, that get along with the last name. Over all their names should be something so deared and loved as them.
El otro día, por curiosidad, (mentirita, era para ver que tan lejos estaba de la biblioteca de mi papá circa 6.000...) me puse a contar cuantos libros había en casa (obviamente los de texto escolares no cuentan) y llegue a la cifra de 1.014. Para algunos será todo un número, para otros será poco, pero lo curioso es que el libro más "gastado" lejos es una guía de nombres en varios idiomas, con sus significados y orígenes (nada menos que 30.000). Aclaro que tengo tres hijos, y cuando lo compré mi hija mayor ya existía, con nombre obvio! Y se ajó tanto porque todos le hechamos mano, nosotros, los amigos, de nuevo nosotros. Cada vez que se agrandaba el zoo eramos cinco personas releyendolo, asi quedó el pobre!
By curiosity I counted how many books I had (lie it was for knowing how far I was from my dad library circa 6000!) School books doesn´t count, and I reached 1.014. Maybe is a big number, but the odd thing was that the most "wore out" book was my name book. It´s about names in different languages, origins, petnames, etc (30000 names no less!) Had to say that I´m the mother of three and bought it when my eldest child had two years old, with a name of course. And torned so much because we all used it, us, our family and friends, again us. Every time that our zoo gets expanded we are five reading it at the same time.
Los que vienen siguiendo cronológicamete el blog, ya les presenté a los veteranos de la casa. Faltan todavía unos cuantos, pero como viene relacionado con el tema les voy a contar ahora el porque de cada nombre.
The ones of you that are following this blog chronologically may know by naw the older pets of the house. We are some more ahead, but as it is related with the topic I´m going to share now their names and why we choosed it.
Jupiter: My kids were at kindergarten and first grade when our fisrt cat arrived home. Sun system it´s a common topic at this stage. It´s a weird election but accurate, because he´s usually a lunatic. Luckily enough they didn´t gave him the name Pluton, otherwise today would be nobody, ha! Jupiter also begins with a "J" as their own names, I aprooved the choice!
Kieran: It has a celtic orign, meaning a small man with dark hair. So true! A tricolour Shetland, we couldn´t beg for more. That name won over Peter Pan and Elvis Presley ending a hard negotiation. I had to resign some names too, that I cherished and kept for the future.
Salem: A female cat that arrived home five years ago. Jacinta found her and was responsible for naming her. Salem is a famous place known for the sad story of witches. Cats are linked to them from ages. So with humor Jaci decided that it was a funny unisex name, she didn´t know the sex when she found it because it was so little. Besides, Salem is the name of the cat that appears in the tv show "Sabrina".
Agatha: Gaturro girlfriend, hysterical, same as ours, we didn´t even vote this time, it was unanimous!
Obama: What other name could be? All black, arrived during USA elections for president. It was my proposal and everybody liked it at once, ha! We laugh a lot about that, and when people heard us calling him. Everybody agrees that the name fits him very well. Last year I met another Newfoundland dog named Barak!
Selena: Elizabeth, Kieran breeder found this cat, it was a present for Jacinta, so she had to thought a name again. Conclusion was that Serena was the name of his favourite bitch from ELthom´s Kennel, Selena sounds similar, and begisn with an S like Salem her other cat. On tops there is the singer Selena Gomez that she liked at that time.
Eloise: Jaci made again the homuours because is her dog. This time the name was found in a child book called "Eloise" who is the main character, a rich and naughty child who lives with her nanny in the New York Plaza Hotel. Jaci saw alot of glamour in her poodle. I think is the best named pet in our house, She is a free spirit, like the character, she is from trouble to trouble, had a case full with fashion doggy clothes and is the best actress I know...
Dakota: Do you Know Dakota Fanning? My baby is named for her. Dakota also means friendly in sioux. My Dakota is an indian, a diva and friendly too.
Ursula: She is a Norway Forest Cat, so name fits, it´s nordic and means bear. We can also trace the name to the witch form the Disney cartoon of the Little Marmaid. ALl cats had a quote of wickedness. Actually she purrs all day long, asking for petting and is more a teddy bear than an evil thing. Sorry! Forgot to tell, other day throw from my drawer, on purpose, a trophy Daks bought from a Conformation Show and she stayed looking the remaining pieces on the floor with an evil satisfaction
Hacer una lista de los conejos, conejitos de indias y peces que pasaron por esta casa de locos ya sería como redundante. Solo les cuento que Houdini era nuestro conejo especialista en escapes y en reaparecer cuando uno menos se lo esperaba y que Zoilo es el único sobreviviente de mi estanque, antes lleno de Hernandez, Fernandez y Sanchez.
Making a list of all the rabbits, guinea pigs and goldfishes that we had in this house probably gets teh list too long. Only tell you that Houdini was our rabbit with a master degree in escapes and reapearences. And Only is the survivour of the pond, in the past full with Tom, Dick and Harry.
¿Vieron?¿ Son importantes o no los nombres? Y eso que no hablé de los sobrenombres. Con todo el esfuerzo que uno pone en nombrarlos se diría que para esto no hay lugar. Error. Kieran más de una vez es Pinocho o Kiruncho, tenemos a Obucho y a Dakuch, también una Uchi, Selenuchi...¿Será que están todos chochos con HD?
So, did I made the point? Names are important or not? And I didn´t talk about nick names...
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