Me gustaría agregar algo, para todos los dueños de gatos. Estén siempre alertas a los cambios mínimos, los gatos solo muestran signos de enfermedad cuando están ya muy mal. Me contó mi vetrinaria que el primer caso de hepatitis en gatos que ella vió, el único signo visible eran ojos más verdes que lo usual. Y pensando hacia atrás recuerdo haber visto algo raro en los ojos de nuestra gata, son color ámbar, y se veían más amarillentos, pensé que eran mis anteojos...Las encías también se ponen amarillas, al igual que las orejas, pero a esta altura el gato ya está muy enfermo.
Selena is looking better. She ats a little of boiled chicken and drinks water by herself. I think that yellow colour is fading. She is still weak, so she pass the day sleeping in my daughter bed. Tons of petting ans she purrs, think that´s a positive thing too. Tomorrow vet check, will see how she is doing.
I will say another thing, for cats owners. Be really watchful and alert every day, cats show something is not going well when is late and they feel really awful. My vet told me that the first time she saw a cat with hepatitis, the only visible thing was the colour of the eyes, it were greener than always...tracking back, I remember that I looked at Selena´s eyes and they were odd, like more bright, she has amber eyes and they looked more yellow, that moment I thought it was because my glasses... Gums also turn yellow with hepatitis as well as ears, but by then the cat is really ill.
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